![External User - Mustafa Ismail (Customer)](https://support.bigcommerce.com/img/userprofile/default_profile_45_v2.png)
Mustafa Ismail (Customer) asked a question.
Hi, how do I merge a few products into one? For example:
Product122LEATT APPAREL JERSEY MTB 1.0 TRAIL TEAL Sphysical6009556517622
Product123LEATT APPAREL JERSEY MTB 1.0 TRAIL TEAL XSphysical6009556517615
Product124LEATT APPAREL JERSEY MTB 1.0 TRAIL TEAL Lphysical6009556517646
These are all the same product with a S,XS and L size. They are imported via CSV individually.
post import csv manipulation, i could export the products from bigC and import them back with a modification. If that's the way to do it, how?
Hi @Mustafa Ismail (Customer) , it is Daniel from Crucials
If you are looking for an automatic solution I guess it is not available now, and is unsafe.
It would be best if you manually merge the products in BigCommerce by editing the products. In case you have too many products, you can work with a dev to build custom script to merge based on some rules.
Hey, I don’t even see how to do this on a product level! Do you know if it can be done via CSV?
would you know a dev who could write a script like that? We have over 20,000 products to do.
Hi @Mustafa Ismail (Customer) , we can help you with this. support@numinix.com