Below are all tables and field names created by BigCommerce’s native Google BigQuery integration. The fields within each table are populated by data from one or more BigCommerce API endpoints.
For more information about the integration, see Setting Up Google BigQuery.
bc_consignment Table
API Endpoints:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders/{order_id}/consignments — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
consignment_id | INTEGER | 99 |
order_id | INTEGER | 118 |
location_id | INTEGER | 1 |
pickup_method_id | INTEGER | 1 |
product_id | INTEGER | 115 |
is_shipping | BOOLEAN | true |
is_pickup | BOOLEAN | false |
bc_customer Table
API Endpoints:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/customers?include=addresses,storecredit,attributes,formfields — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/customers/attributes — (documentation)
- /v3/customers/form-fields
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
customer_id | INTEGER | 3 |
full_name | STRING | First Name Last Name |
first_name | STRING | First Name |
last_name | STRING | Last Name |
company | STRING | BigCommerce |
STRING | | |
phone | STRING | 5554445555 |
notes | STRING | string |
accepts_product_review_abandoned_cart_emails | BOOLEAN | true |
date_created | DATETIME | 2024-02-15T11:09:29 |
date_modified | DATETIME | 2024-02-15T11:09:29 |
tax_exempt_category | STRING | G |
registration_ip_address | STRING | |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-16T02:04:34 |
store_credit_in_USD | NUMERIC | 0 |
bc_customer_addresses Table
API Endpoints:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/customers?include=addresses,storecredit,attributes,formfields — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/customers/attributes — (documentation)
- /v3/customers/form-fields
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
customer_id | INTEGER | 3 |
customer_address_id | INTEGER | 4 |
full_name | STRING | First Name Last Name |
first_name | STRING | First Name |
last_name | STRING | Last Name |
company | STRING | BigCommerce |
address_line_1 | STRING | 145 Jefferson St |
address_line_2 | STRING | Suite 600 |
city | STRING | San Francisco |
state | STRING | California |
postal_code | STRING | 94133 |
country_code | STRING | US |
address_type | STRING | residential |
phone | STRING | 5554445555 |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-16T02:04:34 |
bc_customer_custom_fields Table
API Endpoints:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/customers?include=addresses,storecredit,attributes,formfields — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/customers/attributes — (documentation)
- /v3/customers/form-fields
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
customer_id | INTEGER | 19 |
custom_field_id | INTEGER | 3 |
custom_field_type | STRING | checkboxes |
custom_field_name | STRING | string |
custom_field_value | STRING | string |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-16T02:04:34 |
Customer Groups
- bc_customer_groups table
- bc_customer_groups_access_categories table
- bc_customer_groups_discount_rules table
bc_customer_groups Table
API Endpoints:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/customer_groups — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/categories — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
customer_group_id | INTEGER | 1 |
customer_group_name | STRING | Wholesale |
is_default_for_guests | BOOLEAN | false |
is_default_for_registered | BOOLEAN | true |
enabled | BOOLEAN | true |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-16T02:04:34 |
bc_customer_groups_access_categories Table
API Endpoints:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/customer_groups — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/categories — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
customer_group_id | INTEGER | 1 |
type | STRING | specific |
access_category_id | INTEGER | 34 |
enabled | BOOLEAN | true |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-16T02:04:34 |
bc_customer_groups_discount_rules Table
API Endpoints:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/customer_groups — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/categories — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
customer_group_id | INTEGER | 1 |
type | STRING | category |
method | STRING | percent |
amount | STRING | 15.0000 |
discount_category_id | INTEGER | 34 |
discount_product_id | INTEGER | 3511 |
enabled | BOOLEAN | true |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-16T02:04:34 |
bc_inventory Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/inventory/items — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
sku | STRING | RE-130 |
variant_id | INTEGER | 79 |
product_id | INTEGER | 120 |
location_id | INTEGER | 1 |
available_to_sell | INTEGER | 10 |
safety_stock | INTEGER | 1 |
warning_level | INTEGER | 1 |
is_in_stock | BOOLEAN | true |
bc_location Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/inventory/locations — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
location_id | INTEGER | 2 |
code | STRING | BIGC-2 |
location_name | STRING | Central Store |
description | STRING | Central Park store |
type_id | STRING | PHYSICAL |
enabled | BOOLEAN | true |
city | STRING | New York City |
state | STRING | NY |
zip | STRING | 11111 |
latitude | INTEGER | 11 |
longitude | INTEGER | 8 |
country_code | STRING | US |
is_storefront_visible | BOOLEAN | true |
- bc_order table
- bc_order_billing_addresses table
- bc_order_line_items table
- bc_order_line_items_discounts table
- bc_order_shipping_addresses table
bc_order Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders/coupons
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
order_id | INTEGER | 107 |
order_status_id | INTEGER | 3 |
order_status | STRING | Partially Shipped |
order_archived | BOOLEAN | false |
order_created_date_time | DATETIME | 2024-02-12T16:18:23 |
date_shipped | DATETIME | 2024-02-12T16:20:58 |
order_source | STRING | storefront |
external_source | STRING | null |
external_id | STRING | null |
external_merchant_id | STRING | null |
external_order_id | STRING | null |
channel_id | INTEGER | 1 |
customer_id | INTEGER | 0 |
customer_message | STRING | Order Comments |
staff_notes | STRING | Staff Comments |
cart_id | STRING | 18848fc4-7974-4548-8cdd-f9e60d02994c |
payment_status | STRING | captured |
payment_provider_id | STRING | null |
payment_method_type | STRING | Test Payment Gateway |
credit_card_type | STRING | null |
total_items | INTEGER | 2 |
total_items_shipped | INTEGER | 1 |
coupon_id | INTEGER | 2 |
coupon_code | STRING | CouponCodeA |
coupon_discount | NUMERIC | 2.5 |
discount_amount | STRING | 0.0000 |
gift_certificate_amount_redeemed | NUMERIC | 0 |
store_credit_redeemed | NUMERIC | 0 |
sub_total_excluding_tax | NUMERIC | 499.65 |
sub_total_including_tax | NUMERIC | 499.65 |
sub_total_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
base_shipping_cost | NUMERIC | 10 |
shipping_excluding_tax | NUMERIC | 10 |
shipping_including_tax | NUMERIC | 10 |
shipping_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
base_handling_cost | NUMERIC | 0 |
handling_excluding_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
handling_including_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
handling_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
base_wrapping_cost | NUMERIC | 0 |
wrapping_excluding_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
wrapping_including_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
wrapping_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
total_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
total_excluding_tax | NUMERIC | 509.65 |
total_including_tax | NUMERIC | 509.65 |
default_currency_code | STRING | USD |
currency_exchange_rate | NUMERIC | 1 |
refund_amount | NUMERIC | 0 |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-16T02:18:26 |
bc_order_billing_addresses Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders/coupons
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
order_id | INTEGER | 107 |
full_name | STRING | First Name Last Name |
first_name | STRING | First Name |
last_name | STRING | Last Name |
company | STRING | BigCommerce |
street_1 | STRING | 145 Jefferson St |
street_2 | STRING | Suite 600 |
city | STRING | San Francisco |
state | STRING | California |
zip | STRING | 94133 |
country | STRING | United States |
country_code | STRING | US |
phone | STRING | 5554445555 |
STRING | | |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-13T02:08:18 |
bc_order_line_items Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders/{order_id}/products — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
order_line_item_id | INTEGER | 26 |
order_id | INTEGER | 121 |
order_address_id | INTEGER | 22 |
product_id | INTEGER | 80 |
external_id | INTEGER | |
quantity | INTEGER | 4 |
product_price | NUMERIC | 109 |
base_cost_price | NUMERIC | 10 |
product_price_after_discount | NUMERIC | 98.1 |
price_ex_tax | NUMERIC | 109 |
price_inc_tax | NUMERIC | 109 |
price_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
base_total | NUMERIC | 436 |
product_total_cost | NUMERIC | 40 |
total_ex_tax | NUMERIC | 436 |
total_inc_tax | NUMERIC | 436 |
total_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
is_refunded | BOOLEAN | false |
refund_amount | NUMERIC | 0 |
return_id | INTEGER | 0 |
quantity_shipped | INTEGER | 0 |
fixed_shipping_cost | NUMERIC | 0 |
base_wrapping_cost | NUMERIC | 0 |
wrapping_cost_ex_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
wrapping_cost_inc_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
wrapping_cost_tax | NUMERIC | 0 |
variant_id | INTEGER | 64 |
option_set_id | INTEGER | null |
parent_order_product_id | INTEGER | null |
is_bundled_product | BOOLEAN | false |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-04-03T02:32:16 |
bc_order_line_items_discounts Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders/{order_id}/products — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
order_line_item_id | INTEGER | 14 |
order_id | INTEGER | 110 |
discount_id | STRING | coupon |
discount_amount | NUMERIC | 2.5 |
discount_name | STRING | CouponPromotionNameA |
discount_code | STRING | CouponCodeA |
discount_level | STRING | product |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-18T17:00:06 |
bc_order_shipping_addresses Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders/{order_id}/shipping_addresses — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
order_id | INTEGER | 107 |
shipping_address_id | INTEGER | 8 |
shipping_method | STRING | Flat Rate |
full_name | STRING | First Name Last Name |
first_name | STRING | First Name |
last_name | STRING | Last Name |
company | STRING | BigCommerce |
street_1 | STRING | 145 Jefferson St |
street_2 | STRING | Suite 600 |
city | STRING | San Francisco |
state | STRING | California |
postal_code | STRING | 94133 |
country | STRING | United States |
country_code | STRING | US |
phone | STRING | 5554445555 |
STRING | | |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-16T02:14:29 |
Pickup Methods
bc_pickup_method Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/pickup/methods — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
pickup_method_id | INTEGER | 1 |
location_id | INTEGER | 2 |
pickup_method_display_name | STRING | Store Pickup |
collection_instructions | STRING | Bring photo ID. |
collection_time_description | STRING | Collect M-F between 0900-1700. |
bc_product Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/products?include=variants,custom_fields — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/brands?include_fields=id,name — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/categoriesinclude_fields=id,name — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
product_id | INTEGER | 111 |
product_name | STRING | Smith Journal |
product_type | STRING | physical |
sku | STRING | SKU-001 |
bin_picking_number | STRING | BPN1234 |
universal_product_code | STRING | 123456 |
global_trade_item_number | STRING | 12345678 |
manufacturer_part_number | STRING | MPNu23u42341234 |
date_created | DATETIME | 2015-07-03T12:55:30 |
date_modified | DATETIME | 2024-04-01T21:34:49 |
brand_id | INTEGER | 0 |
brand_name | STRING | Common Good |
page_title | STRING | |
custom_url | STRING | /smith-journal-13/ |
description | STRING | <p>143 Pages</p> |
is_featured | BOOLEAN | false |
condition | STRING | New |
sort_order | INTEGER | 0 |
preorder_release_date | STRING | 2024-05-22T00:00:00-06:00 |
preorder_message | STRING | Preorder now! |
availability | STRING | available |
availability_description | STRING | Usually ships in 24 hours. |
weight | NUMERIC | 5 |
width | NUMERIC | 10 |
depth | NUMERIC | 0.5 |
height | NUMERIC | 5 |
price | NUMERIC | 25 |
cost_price | NUMERIC | 13.43 |
retail_price | NUMERIC | 0 |
sale_price | NUMERIC | 0 |
fixed_cost_shipping_price | NUMERIC | 3 |
is_free_shipping | BOOLEAN | false |
is_preorder_only | BOOLEAN | false |
is_price_hidden | BOOLEAN | false |
price_hidden_label | STRING | |
order_quantity_minimum | INTEGER | 0 |
order_quantity_maximum | INTEGER | 0 |
gift_wrapping_options_type | STRING | any |
tax_class_id | INTEGER | 0 |
product_tax_code | STRING | |
inventory_level | INTEGER | 11655 |
inventory_warning_level | INTEGER | 300 |
open_graph_type | STRING | product |
open_graph_title | STRING | |
open_graph_use_product_name | BOOLEAN | true |
base_variant_id | INTEGER | null |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-04-02T02:46:40 |
bc_product_category Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/products?include=variants,custom_fields — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/brands?include_fields=id,name — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/categoriesinclude_fields=id,name — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
product_id | INTEGER | 94 |
category_id | INTEGER | 21 |
category_name | STRING | Category D |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-03-02T02:21:02 |
bc_product_custom_fields Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/products?include=variants,custom_fields — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/brands?include_fields=id,name — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/categoriesinclude_fields=id,name — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
product_id | INTEGER | 111 |
custom_field_id | INTEGER | 2 |
custom_field_name | STRING | Manufacturer |
custom_field_value | STRING | Acme Inc |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-04-02T02:46:40 |
bc_product_variants Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/products?include=variants,custom_fields — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/brands?include_fields=id,name — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/catalog/categoriesinclude_fields=id,name — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
product_id | INTEGER | 111 |
variants_id | INTEGER | 79 |
variants_sku | STRING | SKU-001-GR |
variants_sku_id | INTEGER | 129 |
variants_cost_price | NUMERIC | 3.23 |
variants_price | NUMERIC | 24.99 |
variants_sale_price | NUMERIC | 15.99 |
variants_retail_price | NUMERIC | 27.99 |
variants_weight | NUMERIC | 4 |
variants_width | NUMERIC | 10 |
variants_height | NUMERIC | 5 |
variants_depth | NUMERIC | 0.5 |
variants_is_free_shipping | BOOLEAN | false |
variants_fixed_cost_shipping_price | NUMERIC | null |
variants_purchasing_disabled | BOOLEAN | false |
variants_purchasing_disabled_message | STRING | |
variants_upc | STRING | null |
variants_inventory_level | INTEGER | 773 |
variants_inventory_warning_level | INTEGER | 100 |
variants_bin_picking_number | STRING | 000001C |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-18T18:06:41 |
bc_refund Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/orders/{order_id}/payment_actions/refunds — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
refund_id | INTEGER | 43 |
order_id | INTEGER | 112 |
user_id | STRING | 1 |
refund_created_date_time | DATETIME | 2024-02-18T18:06:41 |
refund_reason | STRING | Customer requested refund |
refund_total_amount | NUMERIC | 24.99 |
refund_total_tax | NUMERIC | 2.06 |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-18T18:06:41 |
bc_refund_line_items Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/orders/{order_id}/payment_actions/refunds — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
refund_id | INTEGER | 43 |
item_type | STRING | PRODUCT |
order_line_item_item_id | INTEGER | 529 |
refund_reason | STRING | Customer requested refund |
quantity | NUMERIC | 1 |
requested_amount | NUMERIC | 19.99 |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-18T18:06:41 |
bc_refund_payments Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/orders — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/orders/{order_id}/payment_actions/refunds — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
refund_id | INTEGER | 43 |
payment_id | INTEGER | storecredit |
payment_provider_id | STRING | null |
amount | NUMERIC | 19.99 |
is_offline | BOOLEAN | false |
is_declined | BOOLEAN | false |
payment_declined_message | STRING | |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-02-18T18:06:41 |
bc_store_channel Table
API Endpoint:
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/channels — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v3/sites — (documentation)
- /stores/{store_hash}/v2/store — (documentation)
Field Name | Type | Sample Data |
channel_id | INTEGER | 1 |
channel_name | STRING | Sample Data Store |
channel_status | STRING | active |
channel_type | STRING | storefront |
channel_platform | STRING | bigcommerce |
channel_external_id | STRING | |
channel_site_url | STRING | |
channel_icon_url | STRING | channel-icons/bigcommerce.svg |
channel_is_listable_from_ui | BOOLEAN | true |
channel_is_visible | BOOLEAN | true |
channel_date_created | DATETIME | 2020-11-11T08:30:39 |
channel_date_modified | DATETIME | 2020-12-29T11:18:42 |
store_id | INTEGER | 1001500671 |
store_hash | STRING | hashi2vkga |
store_domain | STRING | |
store_name | STRING | Sample Data Store |
store_default_site_id | INTEGER | 1000 |
store_default_channel_id | INTEGER | 1 |
store_first_name | STRING | First Name |
store_last_name | STRING | Last Name |
store_secure_url | STRING | |
store_control_panel_base_url | STRING | |
store_status | STRING | live |
store_country | STRING | United States |
store_country_code | STRING | US |
store_phone | STRING | 5554445555 |
store_language | STRING | en |
last_updated_datetime | DATETIME | 2024-05-29T02:27:01 |